
Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016

Conditional Sentence

Nama : Salia Putri

NPM : 16212792

Kelas : 4EA12

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#

Tugas : Kalimat If Clause (Conditional Sentence)

Kalimat type I:

  1. Question : If I … (to have) a lot of money, I will … (to buy) an expensive car.

    Answer : If I have a lot of money, I will buy an expensive car.

  2. Question : If you … (to come) late again, Mr. John will be very angry.

    Answer : If you come late again, Mr. John will be very angry.

  3. Question : You will … (to finish) your job, if you do it now.

    Answer : You will finish your job, if you do it now.

  4. Question : If I … (to go) to Japan, I can … (to meet) my friends who live there.

    Answer : If I go to Japan, I can meet my friends who live there.

  5. Question : If you … (to come) to my house, I will … (to cook) special food for you.

    Answer : If you come to my house, I will cook special food for you.

  6. Question : Mother will be very kind, if you … (to follow) what her want.

    Answer : Mother will be very kind, if you follow what her want.

  7. Question : I will … (to meet) him, if I … (to come) to your party.

    Answer : I will meet him, if I come to your party.

  8. Question : My boss will … (to give) me reward, if I can … (to reach) the target.

    Answer : My boss will give me reward, if I can reach the target.

  9. Question : If I … (to work) hard, I will … (to have) a lot of money.

    Answer : If I work hard, I will have a lot of money.

  10. Kalimat type II:

  11. Question : If I … ( to be) you, I … (will not) let her go.

    Answer : If I were you, I would not let her go.

  12. Question : If it … (rain) tomorrow, I would sleep all day.

    Answer : If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day.

  13. Question : If Rara … (study) hard, She would pass.

    Answer : If Rara studied hard, She would pass.

  14. Question : If I ... (have) much money, I would … (bought) a sport car.

    Answer : If I had much money, I would buy a sport car.

  15. Question : If I … (to be) a millionaire, I would donate my money to charity.

    Answer : If I were a millionaire, I would donate my money to charity.

  16. Question : If I … ( to be) a bird, I … (will) fly to your home now.

    Answer : If I were a bird, I would fly to your home now.

  17. Question : If you ( to be) me, You … (will) feel crazy with this schedule.

    Answer : If you were me, You would feel crazy with this schedule.

  18. Question : Risa … (will) be sad, If she … (fail) her final examination.

    Answer : Risa would be sad, If she failed her final examination.

  19. Kalimat type III:

  20. Question : If I … (have know) that you were in hospital, I would have … (visit) you.

    Answer : If I had known that you were in hospital, I would have visited you.

  21. Question : If she had been able to … (finish) her job well, she would have been … (promote) as a director.

    Answer : If she had been able to finished her job well, she would have been promoted as a director.

  22. Question : If John had … (drive) his car carefully, we would not have got an accident.

    Answer : If John had driven his car carefully, we would not have got an accident.

  23. Question : My father would … (had) been here, If the flight had not been … (cancel).

    Answer : My father would have been here, If the flight had not been canceled.

  24. Question : If I had … (study), I would have … (pass).

    Answer : If I had studied, I would have passed.

  25. Question : If I … (have know) you were coming, I would have … (bake) a cake.

    Answer : If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake.

  26. Question : I would have been happy, If you had … (call) me on my birthday.

    Answer : I would have been happy, If you had called me on my birthday.

  27. Question : I would have … (buy) you a present, If I had known it was your birthday.

    Answer : I would have bought you a present, If I had known it was your birthday.

Kamis, 28 April 2016

Simple Past dan Present Perfect Tense

Nama : Salia Putri

NPM : 16212792

Kelas : 4EA12

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #

Tugas : Simple Past & Present Perfect Tense


One of the issues most often raised by my clients is better time management. People have tried prioritizing tasks, blocking out parts of their day of certain tasks, implementing new systems and getting better at delegation. While all of those things can make a difference, there is something else that will have an even greater impact on your productivity. The key to high productivity is energy management more so than time management.

Let me start to explain this concept by way of an example. A couple of years ago, a client was frustrated with his productivity. He had just come back from vacation and wondered to me why he couldn’t be as productive on his return as he had been on the day before he left. On the day before his vacation, he was a whirlwind of activity – plowing through the important phone calls that had to be made, responding to all the important emails on his computer, and clearing his desk of all the paperwork that needed his attention. By the end of the day, everything important had been attended to. He had one of his most productive days. But upon his return, he had fallen back into his routine – productive, but not highly productive. He wanted to know how, or if, he could be highly productive on a daily basis. The answer is yes and no.

The reason for each answer has to do with energy management. Good energy management can allow you to be highly productive on a regular basis and poor energy management can keep you at average productivity or worse. Everything we do – from making sales calls to conducting meetings and presentations to attending little league games – requires energy. Most of us fail to take into account the importance that energy plays in our lives. Without the right amount of energy, properly focused and applied, we simply can’t be as productive as we could otherwise be. Certainly, even with a poor level of energy, we can be productive – most everyone is. We’re just not highly productive. Think about your day. Do you get up feeling tired? Do you put yourself on “cruise control” with a steady flow of caffeine throughout the day? Is your mental capacity diminished by mid-afternoon? Are you too tired to be active with family or outside interests in the evening?

Energy management has even greater impact than just physically getting through the day. I don’t know about you, but when most people get tired their creativity drops, their persistence abandons them, and they get a bit edgy and less tolerant of people and challenges. A drop in energy impacts virtually every area of our lives.

What affects our energy levels? You already know the answer to that question. Nutrition, sleep, stress, physical fitness, attitude, emotions, and environment are the major influencers of our levels of energy. How do you improve these aspects of your life so you maximize your level of energy throughout the day? Easier said than done. After all, we all pretty much know that these things affect us but haven’t done much about them so far. Usually, we have a hard time making changes because our motivation is lacking. On the other hand, many of us know people who were out to shape, found out their health was in permanent jeopardy, and then found a way to get fit. It’s all a matter of self-motivation. How would your life be different if you were highly productive in your sales efforts on a consistent basis? What difference would it make if you had good levels of energy throughout the day – everyday?

How to become highly productive is too much to cover thoroughly in asimple article, but we can touch on some good ways to start improving your energy management.

Nutrition: most nutritional experts agree that eating a number of modest meals throughout the day is much better than a couple of big ones. Don’t forget to include protein with every meal.

Stress: there are no such things a stressful situations. It’s our reaction to events that causes us to feel stress. You know what works best for you to reduce your feelings of stress. Set time aside to take care of yourself throughout the week. If you don’t take time, soon enough you’ll have no choice due to health issues.

Physical fitness: do I really need to go into this?doing something is better than doing nothing at all.

Attitude: our attitude colours our vie of our past, our present and our future. Most people allow the world to determine what we hear and see, which determines how we see our own world specifically. Start to take control of what you mentally and emotionally feed yourself. Cut out the negatives (like the news on TV) and start introducing positives (like listening to personal growth tapes or CD’s).

Another critical key to affective energy management is to understand the many positive implications of stretching our abilities and then taking time to recover and rejuvenate. Regular recovery and rejuvenation are essential to becoming highly productive. I can’t stress enough the impact that regular rejuvenation can have on your energy, attitude, creativity, enthusiasm, and spirit.

Let me finish by getting back to the client example I started this article with. My client wanted to know how, or if, he could be as highly productive on a daily basis as he was on the day before his vacation, and my answer way yes and no. The yes part of the regular basis, day after day, by managing your energy and the things that influence it. On the other hand (the “no” part of the answer), it’s impossible to be highly productive without allowing your body, mind, emotions and spirit to recovery and rejuvenate regularly. Remember, when we’re tired we tend to slow down, make more mistakes and have a harder time being creative. After all, the main reason vacations exist is to allow us to recover and rejuvenate. You can accomplish more, with less effort and more creativity by backing off from time to time to recharge. Choosing how and when to recharge throughout the week is another story.

To recap what we’ve discussed in this article, the key to being highly productive in any endeavor is to manage your energy. By attending to your physicall, mental, emotional and spiritual needs you can accomplish more with greater enthusiasm, greater creative and greater enjoyment than ever before.

Simple Past dan Present Perfect Tense

Nama : Salia Putri

NPM : 16212792

Kelas : 4EA12

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #

Tugas : Simple Past & Present Perfect Tense


Rabu, 20 April 2016

Soal Subject-Verb Agreement & Error Analysis

Nama : Salia Putri

NPM : 16212792

Kelas : 4EA12

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#

Tugas :Subject-Verb Agreement dan Error Analysis


  1. My glasses … on the bed.
    1. Were
    2. Was
  2. Measles … a dangerous disease for pregnant women.
    1. Is
    2. Are
  3. Physics … been my favourite subject since I was 15 years old.
    1. Has
    2. Have
  4. My brother and sister … in Lasusua, Southeast Sulawesi.
    1. Lives
    2. Live
  5. Each book and magazine … listed in the card catalog.
    1. Are
    2. Is
  6. Some of the books … good
    1. Is
    2. Are
  7. My friend … in Makassar.
    1. Live
    2. Lives
  8. There … thirty-three students in my class.
    1. Is
    2. Are
  9. There … many ways to say “thank you”.
    1. Are
    2. Is
  10. My shears … sharp enough.
    1. Aren’t
    2. Isn’t


  1. (-)Error : A plumber fix your plumbs and kitchen sinks while a janitor cleans schools, offices stores and other business places.

    (-)Correct: A plumber fixes your plumbs and kitchen sinks while a janitor cleans schools, offices stores and other business places.

  2. (-)Error : There are two big Japanese motorcycles in the parking area. Mine is the one who has a sticker on a tank. It’s easy to identify.

    (-)Correct : There are two big Japanese motorcycles in the parking area. Mine is the one which has a sticker on a tank. It’s easy to identify.

  3. (-)Error : A doctor should wears a full handed white and coloured apron to treat the patient.

    (-)Correct : A doctor should wear a full handed white and coloured apron to treat the patient.

  4. (-)Error : Opposite with the Gambir Station, you will find the old “Monas Square” and the statue of R.A Kartini.

    (-)Correct : Opposite to the Gambir Station, you will find the old “Monas Square” and the statue of R.A Kartini.

  5. (-)Error : The Sony camrecorder demo was fun and impressive, but it is not as better as Microsoft’s.

    (-)Correct : The Sony camrecorder demo was fun and impressive, but it is not as good as Microsoftt’s.

  6. (-)Error : Recently, the work had been being done by John M. Rayyan.

    (-)Correct : Recently, the work has been being done by John M. Rayyan.

  7. (-)Error : By the end of this week, my father arrives from united states.

    (-)Correct : By the end of this week, my father will arrive from united states.

  8. (-)Error Nur : Which sports do you play? Abdi : I prefer playing badminton than others.

    (-)Correct Nur : Which sports do you play? Abdi : I prefer playing badminton to others.

  9. (-)Error Waiter : Would you like to have cold drink, sir? Customer : No, I don’t think so. I’d rather to have a hot one. A cup coffee would be fine

    (-)Correct Waiter : Would you like to have cold drink, sir? Customer : No, I don’t think so. I’d rather have a hot one. A cup coffee would be fine.

  10. (-)Error Fadil : Look at my new ring. Isn’t it cool? Putri : Yeah, I absolutely agrees with you. It perfectly matches with your finger.

    (-)Correct Fadil : Look at my new ring. Isn’t it cool? Putri : Yeah, I absolutely agree with you. It perfectly matches with your finger.

  11. (-)Error : Even though my aunt lost the beauty contest, she is still the prettier of all the other contestants.

    (-)Correct : Even though my aunt lost the beauty contest, she is still the prettiest of all the other contestants.

  12. (-)Error : My handbag is a black rectangular leather bag with a long tubular strap of the same material. The bag is about 18” x 12” in size with three compartments. The compartment which a zip is in the centre one.

    (-)Correct : My handbag is a rectangular black leather bag with a long tubular strap of the same material. The bag is about 18” x 12” in size with three compartments. The compartment which a zip is in the centre one.

  13. (-)Error : The little girl spoke so quiet that I could hardly hear her.

    (-)Correct : The little girl spoke so quietly that I could hardly hear her.

  14. (-)Error : Each driver should check the oil level in their car every three months.

    (-)Correct : Each driver should check the oil level in his or her car every three months.

  15. (-)Error : Her and I have been good friends now for many years.

    (-)Correct : She and I have been good friends now for many years.